Hi, I’m Hugo, I’m Galician and this is my website.

I work at CERN as a Software Engineer in the Storage group where I’m proud of working in a bunch of exciting projects like CERNBox and EOS.

Previously I’ve worked at the Universty of Vigo in various research projects, being the most notable ClawIO.

I like to dive and travel and this website is a mix of professional records and personal interests.

Latest posts

A journey to the mesh : microservices-based sync and share using gRPC and Protobuf
How is CERN using the ownCloud?
From application to service development
What is special in CERNBox?
CERNBox: the CERN cloud storage hub
Cloud Storage for data-intensive sciences in science and industry
Facilitating collaborative analysis in SWAN
GSOC 2018: Petabyte-Scale Cloud Storage File Manager
A Microservice Architecture for CERNBOX
CERNBox: the CERN cloud storage driven by EOS